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2015-04-28 Selectmen's Minutes
Stow Board of Selectmen
April 28, 2015

Present at the meeting that was held at Town Building were Brian Burke, Donald Hawkes, Charles Kern, Thomas Ryan and James Salvie.

Also present were William Wrigley, Town Administrator and Maureen Trunfio, Administrative Assistant.

Mr. Kern called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Public Input: Deb Woods of the SpringFest Committee made a call for volunteers at SpringFest.

Chairman’s Comments: Mr. Kern reminded citizens that Annual Town Meeting will be held on May 4, 2015 at Hale School Auditorium beginning at 7 p.m. Mr. Kern thanked the Board and the public for the opportunity to serve on the Board of Selectmen and act as its Chair for the year.

Mr. Hawkes moved to accept the meeting minutes of March 24, 2015 as drafted. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Approval for Stow Garden Club Use of Lower Village Common
MariePatrice Masse of the Stow Garden Club sent a letter to the Selectmen’s office requesting permission for the Stow Garden Club to use the Lower Village Common on May 8 from 8 a.m. through 6 p.m. and May 9 from 8 a.m. through 1 p.m. The Board approved the request.
Mr. Hawkes moved to approve the use of the Stow Lower Common by the Stow Garden Club for its annual Plant Sale on Friday, May 8 from 8 a.m. through 6 p.m. and Saturday, May 9 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m., as described in the request from Garden Club co-chair MariePatrice Masse. Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Appointment of Cultural Council Members
Hector Constantzos and Jennifer Edgerton have expressed interest in serving on the Cultural Council. The Chair of the Cultural Council has forwarded their recommendation to appoint both applicants as members of the Cultural Council. Mr. Constantzos was present and shared his interest in the arts.  Ms. Edgerton was not able to attend the meeting.
On the recommendation of the Stow Cultural Council, Mr. Hawkes moved to appoint Hector Constantzos to the Cultural Council, for a three-year term ending April 28, 2018. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

On the recommendation of the Stow Cultural Council, Mr. Hawkes moved to appoint Jennifer Edgerton to the Cultural Council, for a three-year term ending April 28, 2018. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Appointment of New Police Officer – Luke Dezago
Police Chief Bill Bosworth was present to request the appointment of an officer who would replace a vacancy in the Department.  Chief Bosworth explained the interview and selection process and was happy to recommend Luke Dezago. The Board agreed and appointed Officer Dezago. His start date is scheduled to be Thursday, April 30, 2015.

As recommended by the Police Officer Search Committee, Mr. Ryan moved to appoint Luke Dezago as a full-time Police Officer, for a one-year probationary period from his effective date of hire. Mr. Hawkes seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Certificate of Appreciation for Phil Williams
Phil Williams of Phil’s Service on Crescent Street will be retiring at the end of April and the Board congratulated him and thanked him for his years of service. Mr. Williams’ wife and sons were present. Mr. Williams was presented with a certificate of appreciation by the Board.

Mr. Ryan made a motion to approve and sign the Certificate of Appreciation for Phil Williams, proprietor of Phil’s Service on Crescent Street. Mr. Hawkes seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Public Hearing for Stowaway Golf Club Transfer of Liquor License
Mr. Kern read the legal notice and explained that the Melone family was present in order to begin the process required for transferring the liquor license, presently held by John Melone, to J. Melone and Sons. All the proper forms have been completed and will be submitted to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission with the Boards approval. Mr. Melone, Sr. explained that he would like to retire from the golf course and pass ownership of the liquor license to the next generation.

Mr. Hawkes moved that the Board approve a transfer of liquor license for Stowaway Golf Club, 121 White Pond Road, from John Melone to J. Melone & Sons, Inc., and as described in the application received February 13, 2015, and subject to final approval by the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Discussion of Annual Town Meeting Articles
Mr. Hawkes explained that regarding Article 6 General Budget, Line 73, he could not support the Nashoba Regional School District Budget that was submitted. He stated that he was not comfortable recommending a budget in which the sustainability of the techniques used to fund the budget were questionable. Several of the other Selectmen agreed with the sentiment, but believed they must support the funding of the school budget.

Mr. Hawkes moved regarding Article 6 Line 73 of the General Budget in the May Annual Town Meeting 2015 warrant not be recommended by the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was voted 1:4 against the motion. Mr. Hawkes, aye, Mr. Burke, nay, Mr. Salvie, nay, Mr. Kern, nay and Mr. Ryan, nay.

School Member Nicole Odekirk was present and asked for permission to address the Board. They permitted her to speak and Ms. Odekirk explained that it has been learning process watching the budget develop. She stated that when they worked through and came up with the actual number to recommend to the district towns, everyone involved was surprised at the amount. She stated that she holds everyone, including the School Committee, the District and the Selectmen responsible for the large budget. She noted that if compared to other districts, NRSD per pupil costs are below the state average. She emphasized the fact that “we’re all in this together.” She hopes the Selectmen and others can work with the District next year to produce the budget.

Mr. Salvie asked if the Board would be willing to recommend Article 49, Acceptance of the Stretch Code. The Selectmen were in support of it.

Mr. Salvie moved that the Selectmen support Article 49 Acceptance of Stretch Code in the May Annual Town Meeting 2015 warrant. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Town Administrator’s Report
Mr. Wrigley reported that 14 General Contractors appeared in Town Building to bid on the Pompo Project. All bids were within 10% of each other. The lowest bid is $7,083,000, the second lowest bid is $7,085,000 and the third lowest is $7,137,000. He is hopeful that after reference checks with the State Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) one of these three bidders will be granted the contract. He reminded the Board that the in-house estimate was $8,500,000. He said that he awaits a recommendation for hire to review. He will then make a recommendation to the full Board to authorize him to execute a contract with the accepted low bidder (legal requirement) and further authorize him to approve and execute future contract change orders and otherwise provide construction management oversight working with Project Manager Craig Martin and the Building Committee.

Mr. Wrigley left the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Liaison Reports

Mr. Hawkes reported that he had attended the MAGIC meeting in Concord the prior week. He mentioned that Concord Carlisle’s new high school recently opened and the cost was $93 million, and reminded the Board that this amount might be an estimate to consider if Nashoba Regional makes a decision to request a new school in light of current space issues.

He also mentioned that he will attend the Lake Boon Commission meeting on April 29, 2015 where the issue of ice eaters will be discussed. Also on the agenda will be the high water level of the lake and what can be done to convince authorities to remove a board at the dam.

Mr. Salvie mentioned that the Pompo Building Committee will meet Thursday night and is hoping to discuss General Contractors’ bids.

Mr. Burke mentioned that the CPC discussed the upcoming warrant articles, including invasive species, at their last meeting. He mentioned that Tri-town will not meet until June.

Mr. Salvie made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 PM. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Trunfio
Administrative Assistant to the Board of Selectmen